Comprehensive Guide to Peripheral Venous Disease for NCLEX Questions: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Welcome future nurses! As you gear up to conquer the NCLEX, understanding how to answer NCLEX questions on peripheral venous disease is paramount to ensuring your success. Let’s dive in.
Question 1:  A 62-year-old patient presents at the clinic with complaints of swelling and pain in the lower extremities. Upon assessment, the nurse observes edema and varicose veins in the patient’s legs. Which intervention should the nurse prioritize for this patient?
A) Elevate the legs above heart level
B) Apply warm compresses to the affected areas
C) Encourage prolonged sitting to reduce swelling
D) Recommend high-impact aerobic exercise
E) Suggest prolonged standing to alleviate discomfort

Rationale: Elevating the legs above heart level helps reduce edema by aiding venous return. Warm compresses might exacerbate symptoms, prolonged sitting and standing can worsen venous pooling, and high-impact exercise may strain already compromised veins. Correct Answer: A) Elevate the legs above heart level, ANCC, AANP, NCLEX

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Question 2:  A 45-year-old patient with a history of peripheral venous disease is scheduled for surgery. The nurse is preparing the patient for the procedure. What precaution is essential in preventing complications for this patient during surgery?
A) Administering anticoagulants before surgery
B) Applying compression stockings post-surgery
C) Encouraging bed rest for 24 hours post-surgery
D) Placing the patient in a Trendelenburg position
E) Limiting fluid intake before surgery

Rationale: Patients with peripheral venous disease are at increased risk of blood clots. Administering anticoagulants before surgery helps prevent clot formation. Compression stockings are beneficial post-surgery, but anticoagulants are crucial in preventing intraoperative clotting. Trendelenburg position and prolonged bed rest can increase venous stasis and clot risk. Correct Answer: A) Administering anticoagulants before surgery

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Varicose veins, nurse practitioner exam, spider veins, DVT, aanp, ancc
Lower extremity venous insufficiency, spider veins

NCLEX Practice Questions: Understanding Peripheral Venous Disease Causes and Symptoms

Question 3:  A 55-year-old patient diagnosed with chronic venous insufficiency complains of leg ulcers that are slow to heal. Which intervention should the nurse prioritize to promote wound healing in this patient?
A) Applying cold compresses to the ulcers
B) Encouraging the patient to keep legs dependent
C) Cleansing the ulcers with hydrogen peroxide
D) Elevating the legs when sitting or lying down
E) Massaging the area around the ulcers

Rationale: Elevating the legs helps reduce venous pressure, improving blood flow and aiding wound healing. Cold compresses can worsen vasoconstriction, keeping legs dependent exacerbates venous stasis, hydrogen peroxide can damage tissues, and massaging ulcers can lead to further injury and delayed healing. Correct Answer: D) Elevating the legs when sitting or lying down

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Understanding Peripheral Venous Disease: Causes and Symptoms

Question 4:  A 55-year-old patient arrives at the clinic reporting leg pain and swelling. The nurse assesses the patient and notes warm, red, and tender areas on the calf. Which action should the nurse prioritize based on these findings?
A) Apply cold compresses to the affected area
B) Elevate the affected leg
C) Massage the calf to alleviate discomfort
D) Instruct the patient to ambulate more
E) Administer a heating pad for pain relief

Rationale: The patient’s symptoms and signs—warm, red, and tender areas—indicate possible deep vein thrombosis (DVT). Applying cold compresses can help reduce inflammation and discomfort associated with DVT. Elevating the leg, ambulation, and heat application can exacerbate the condition by potentially dislodging clots or increasing blood flow to the affected area. Correct Answer: A) Apply cold compresses to the affected area

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Ultrasound assessment of deep vein thrombosis (DVT), lab draw young female,, ANCC, AANP, NCLEX

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Question 5:  A 68-year-old patient with chronic peripheral venous disease seeks advice on preventing complications. What action should the nurse recommend to help manage the condition?
A) Avoid wearing compression stockings
B) Perform vigorous leg exercises daily
C) Maintain a sedentary lifestyle
D) Elevate the legs periodically
E) Keep the legs dependent when sitting

Rationale: Elevating the legs helps reduce venous pressure, enhancing venous return and minimizing symptoms of peripheral venous disease. Compression stockings aid in managing symptoms, while exercise prevents venous stasis. A sedentary lifestyle and keeping legs dependent worsen venous pooling and exacerbate the condition. Correct Answer: D) Elevate the legs periodically

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Understanding Peripheral Venous Disease: NCLEX Priority Questions

Question 6:  A 40-year-old patient is diagnosed with chronic venous insufficiency. What dietary advice should the nurse provide to manage this condition?
A) Increase sodium intake to prevent dehydration
B) Consume a low-fiber diet for easier digestion
C) Limit fluid intake to reduce leg swelling
D) Encourage a high-fiber diet
E) Consume caffeine to improve blood flow

Rationale: A high-fiber diet aids in preventing constipation, reducing straining during bowel movements, and decreasing intra-abdominal pressure, which can exacerbate venous insufficiency. Increasing sodium intake can lead to fluid retention and exacerbate edema, while limiting fluids can worsen dehydration and leg swelling. Caffeine intake should be moderated as excessive consumption can contribute to dehydration. Correct Answer: D) Encourage a high-fiber diet

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NCLEX Questions: Focus on Medications for Peripheral Venous Disease

Question 7:  A 50-year-old patient with peripheral venous disease is prescribed compression therapy. Which statement by the patient indicates a need for further teaching about this therapy?
A) “I’ll wear the compression stockings all day long.”
B) “I’ll remove the compression stockings at bedtime.”
C) “I’ll ensure the compression stockings fit snugly but not too tight.”
D) “I’ll check my legs for any signs of skin irritation or redness.”
E) “I’ll avoid crossing my legs while wearing the stockings.”

Rationale: Compression therapy should be worn during waking hours to manage peripheral venous disease effectively. Removing the stockings at bedtime would negate the benefits of continuous compression and impede venous return during the night. Checking for signs of skin irritation or redness, avoiding leg crossing, and ensuring proper fit indicate good understanding of compression therapy. Correct Answer: B) “I’ll remove the compression stockings at bedtime.”

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NCLEX Focus Exploring Peripheral Venous Disease: Causes and Diagnosis

Question 8:  A 60-year-old patient with a history of peripheral venous disease reports experiencing leg cramps and aching discomfort after prolonged periods of standing. What education should the nurse provide to alleviate the patient’s symptoms?
A) Sit with legs crossed to improve circulation
B) Elevate legs above heart level when resting
C) Apply heating pads to soothe the aching legs
D) Avoid wearing compression stockings
E) Perform high-impact exercises to strengthen leg muscles

Rationale: Elevating the legs assists in reducing venous pooling and enhancing venous return, alleviating symptoms associated with peripheral venous disease. Sitting with crossed legs exacerbates venous stasis, while heating pads can worsen inflammation. Compression stockings are beneficial, and high-impact exercises may strain compromised veins, worsening symptoms. Correct Answer: B) Elevate legs above heart level when resting

NCLEX Questions Critical Thinking: Peripheral Venous Disease Symptoms

Question 9:  A 50-year-old patient with peripheral venous disease is scheduled for a long flight. What advice should the nurse provide to prevent complications during the flight?
A) Remain seated throughout the flight
B) Drink plenty of alcohol to relax
C) Wear loose-fitting clothing
D) Perform ankle exercises and take short walks
E) Avoid consuming fluids before and during the flight

Rationale: Ankle exercises and walking during a flight help prevent venous stasis and reduce the risk of blood clots associated with prolonged sitting, especially in individuals with peripheral venous disease. Remaining seated for long periods, consuming alcohol, and wearing loose-fitting clothing increase the risk of venous stasis and clot formation. Adequate hydration is crucial during flights to prevent dehydration. Correct Answer: D) Perform ankle exercises and take short walks

NCLEX Review: Peripheral Venous Disease Treatments

Question 10:  A 65-year-old patient diagnosed with peripheral venous disease asks about measures to improve leg circulation. What recommendation should the nurse provide to enhance circulation in the legs?
A) Apply cold packs to the legs
B) Cross legs frequently to increase blood flow
C) Elevate legs when sitting or lying down
D) Use a heating pad on the legs
E) Take hot baths to improve circulation

Rationale: Elevating the legs assists in improving venous return and reducing symptoms of peripheral venous disease by decreasing venous pressure. Applying cold packs or heat, crossing legs frequently, and hot baths can worsen symptoms or lead to increased venous stasis. Correct Answer: C) Elevate legs when sitting or lying down